
New Study Of Viagra’s (Sildenafil Citrate) Onset Of Action Finds Majority Of Men Respond Within 20 Minutes

A new study of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) found that 51 percent taking Viagra® (sildenafil citrate) achieved an erection that resulted in successful sexual intercourse within 20 minutes, according to data presented today at the European Society for Sexual and Impotence Research (ESSIR).

 (NOTE: The first study published in 1998 reported that sildenafil (Viagra) was shown to improve erections in 77% to 84% of patients.(1) Since then, numerous studies have confirmed this range of efficacy.)

 In the double-blind study, 228 men successfully treated for ED for at least two months were randomly assigned to receive either Viagra or placebo for four weeks. Study participants averaged 60 years of age, had ED for an average of seven years, and a majority had moderate to severe dysfunction. Patients recorded the time needed to obtain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse after taking their pill a minimum of two hours after eating.

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