Beware Diuretics in Acute Renal Failure

The use of diuretics in acute renal failure (ARF) increases the risk of death and nonrecovery, according to the results of a cohort study published in the Nov. 27 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. The editorialists agree that diuretics should not be used in this setting. “This study illustrates that kidney failure is prevalent and too frequently underdiagnosed by ICU [intensive care unit] providers.

 Kidney failure is dangerous and the longer it goes on, the likelihood of an adverse outcome increases,” lead author Ravindra L. Mehta, MD, of the University of California, San Diego, says in a news release. “Physicians need to be aware that even small changes in kidney function can have deleterious effects. They need to recognize kidney failure early on and consider immediate dialysis as their first treatment of choice.”

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