Local Inflammation Mechanism Seen In Aspirin-Hypersensitive Patients

Decreased apoptosis of inflammatory cells in the nasal polyps of some patients who are hypersensitive to aspirin reflects a distinct mechanism of local inflammation.

The mechanism may be related to the persistence and severity of rhino-sinusitis/asthma in these patients, report researchers from the Medical University of Lodz, Poland.

 They point out that aspirin-hypersensitive (AH) patients often present with a severe form of hyperplastic rhino-sinusitis with recurrent polyposis. Investigators stained nasal polyps from 16 AH patients and 36 aspirin-tolerant (AT) patients for eosinophils and metachromatic cells. There were 17 atopic and 19 non-atopic patients in the aspirin-tolerant group.

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