Gains From Statin Therapy For High CRP Greater Than Those For Cancer Screening

Even relatively young adults with low LDL cholesterol levels benefit more from statins administered for high C reactive protein (CRP) levels than from cancer screening programs for the general population, Boston researchers suggest. Reporting in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology for July 3, Dr. Karen M. Kuntz of Harvard School of Public Health, and associates describe a decision-analytic model used to estimate potential life-expectancy gains.

Estimates were based on findings from the Air Force/Texas Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study. The life-expectancy gains expected for statin treatment of 58-year-old men and women whose LDL cholesterol levels were <149 mg/dL but whose CRP levels were at least 0.16 mg/dL were equivalent to those observed when statins were used to lower LDL cholesterol of 149 mg/dL or more.

Life expectancy was improved even more for younger patients with elevated CRP levels, with increases greater in men than in women.

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