Work and marital stressors associated with increased risk of mortality in men

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Chronic work and marital stressors increase the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in men, according to a report in the February 11th issue the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Dr. Karen A. Matthews, of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and Dr. Brooks B. Gump, of the State University of New York-Oswego, evaluated data from the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial. The study participants were men with no baseline evidence of CHD but with an above-average risk for CHD mortality based on several factors.

"Survivors at the end of the trial were followed up for mortality for an additional 9 years," the team explains. They note that 12,336 men were included in the analyses of work stressors, and 10,904 men were included in the analyses of marital stressors.

The investigators found an association between an increasing number of various work stressors and marriage dissolution and total and cardiovascular mortality during follow-up. Men with at least three work stressors had a relative risk of 1.26, compared with those reporting none. The relative risk for men who divorced during the trial was 1.37, compared with those who remained married.

"Analyses were adjusted for age, intervention group, educational attainment, occurrence of a nonfatal cardiovascular event during the trial, smoking, diastolic BP, alcohol consumption, and serum cholesterol level," the authors explain. The findings remained statistically significant.

These results provide "unique and strong evidence that the accumulation of different work stressors and separation or divorce during the 7 years of the MRFIT trial are predictors of all-cause mortality and CVD mortality during the 9-year follow-up among men."

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