At least 28 people dead in Malawi cholera outbreak


LILONGWE, Malawi (Reuters) – A cholera outbreak in central and southern Malawi killed at least 28 people in December, a health official said on Friday.

Controller of preventive health services Habib Somanje said the country had recorded 28 deaths out of a total of 1394 cholera cases during the month.

"The case fatality rates are still indicative of the presence of factors contributing to poor management of cases. Health workers blame late reporting of cases. But this year the cases have started appearing very late," he said.

The highly contagious waterborne disease first appeared early in December in the southern lakeside district of Mangochi, which borders Mozambique, before it spread to central Malawi. Cholera outbreaks are common in Malawi during the rainy season between October and April because of poor sanitation and limited access to potable water.

Health officials have been deployed to most rural parts of the country to distribute chlorine for water purification and to teach people about personal hygiene, Somanje said. Nineteen people were killed in a previous cholera outbreak in which 1500 cases were reported.

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