EPA 2013 21st European Congress of Psychiatry , Nice, France, 6-9 April, 2013


EPA 2013 presents a high-quality scientific program with over 2,000 Abstracts covering the most recent research, developments, and treatments in psychiatry and neuropsychiatry

EPA 2013 in Numbers:

  • 16 CME Academia Courses

  • 3 Plenary Sessions

  • 21 CME Credit Points

  • 3 Pro & Con Debates

  • 6 State of the Art Lectures

  • Over 160 Oral Presentations, 600 e-Posters and 1,400 posters

  • 11 Core Symposia

  • 4 Joint Symposia

  • 13 Sponsored Symposia

  • 9 European Early Career Psychiatrists Programme Sessions

  • 14 e-Poster sessions

  • 19 Free Communication Sessions

  • Over 4,000 participants expected

Click here to view the Invitation from EPA President, Professor Danuta Wasserman.

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