
Septoplasty in children does not cause significant facial growth retardation

מתוך medicontext.co.il

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) – External nasal septal surgery does not adversely effect development of the nose and face in children, study results indicate.

"Surgery on the growing nasal septum has always been the epicenter of debates," Dr. Hamdy El-Hakim of the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Scotland, and Canadian colleagues, report in the November issue of the Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.

The researchers compared preoperative with postoperative anthropometric measurements in 26 consecutive children who underwent external septoplasty due to "significant nasal obstruction and cosmetic disfigurement secondary to skeletal septal deformities." The children ranged in age from 4.5 to 15.5 years at the time of surgery.

According to Dr. El-Hakim and colleagues, external septoplasty, "in which the quadrilateral cartilage was removed, remodeled, and reinserted as a free graft," had no appreciable negative effects on facial development. "Relative to age-appropriate norms, the dimensions of the nose and midface and their proportionality did not change after surgery," they write.

In comments to Reuters Health, Dr. El-Hakim said, there is now proof that surgery on the growing nasal septum is feasible "provided there are good functional and cosmetic grounds and that restorative surgery is employed. These conditions will require the availability of a high level of surgical expertise and good patient choice," the researcher added.

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