Fluticasone effective in preschool children with recurrent asthma

מתוך medicontext.co.il

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) – Preschool children with frequent asthma symptoms or a family history of asthma show significant improvement in symptom-free days and nights with fluticasone propionate therapy, researchers report.

Dr. Ruurd Jan Roorda from De Weezenlanden Hospital in Zwolle, the Netherlands and colleagues randomly assigned 305 children, 12 to 47 months of age, from two similar studies, to placebo or to 200-µg fluticasone propionate daily, according to their report in the October issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

During the 12-week trial, those in the fluticasone propionate group showed significant increases in the percentage of symptom-free days and nights–from 11% at baseline to 54% during treatment, compared with the placebo group (8% at baseline to 36%; p = 0.002), the researchers report.

These results were significant for children receiving fluticasone propionate who had frequent symptoms (3 days a week or more). The percentage of symptom-free days and nights for these children went from 0% baseline to 45% during treatment.

The differences were also significant for children in the treatment group who had a family history of asthma. These children had significantly more exacerbation-free days while receiving fluticasone propionate (from 61% to 76%; p = 0.02), Dr. Roorda's group found.

There was no association between a history of rhinitis or eczema, or number of previous exacerbations, and response to treatment, the researchers report.

Dr. Roorda and colleagues believe "these findings may help to predict treatment outcome and guide management of preschool children presenting with a history of recurrent wheeze or asthma symptoms."

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