
Silicone Oil Tamponade Likely to be Associated With Poor Outcomes

Treating giant retinal tears or recurrent retinal detachments with silicone oil tamponade is likely to be associated with a poor outcome, especially when initial vision is less than ambulatory vision.

 Researchers from HuaZhong University of Science and Technology, in Wuhan, China, and University of Saarland, in Homburg, Germany, retrospectively evaluated 94 eyes of 92 patients who underwent silicone oil tamponade.

 The authors followed patients for at least six months. Twenty percent of eyes showed recurrent retinal detachment. These eyes were more likely than those without recurrent retinal detachments to show initial vision less than ambulatory vision, to present with giant retinal tears and recurrent retinal detachment; and to show postoperative hypotony and postoperative epiretinal membranes.

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