
Metastatic Uveal Melanoma Response Is Modest To Chemoimmunotherapy Combination

Bleomycin, vincristine, lomustine and dacarbazine (BOLD) chemotherapy with human leukocyte interferon has achieved modest activity against metastatic uveal melanoma (Stage IVB) in a study in Finland.

Median overall survival approached that reported for more aggressive intrahepatic therapy regimens, report researchers from Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, and Turku University Central Hospital, Turku.

However, substage differences in breast cancers can significantly impact study outcomes, and substage information needs to be reported to facilitate comparisons between studies, urge Dr Seppo Pyrhonen and colleagues. As well as examining the activity of the BOLD/human leukocyte interferon regimen in these patients, this phase II trial looked at progression-free and overall survival of study patients by substage before treatment.

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