
Leaking Conjunctival Blebs Treated with Autologous Serum and Oxifloxacin

Patients with aqueous leakage from a conjunctival filtering bleb seem to benefit from topical application of autologous serum and saline combination with oxifloxacin.

 Blebs are a form of incision into the conjunctiva, made by the physician in patients who do not respond to drugs or are otherwise unable to use drugs to manage their glaucoma. This type of incision allows fluid in the eye to circulate freely, thereby reducing intro-ocular pressure, which is thought to be the cause of glaucoma.

 In some cases, the bleb, which appears as a small bump on the surface of the eye, might begin to leak, either through microscopic holes, or by “sweating” aqueous fluid. The condition may be bothersome to the patient, but could also leave the patient vulnerable to infections. Such leaks are known to be a not uncommon experience as the bleb begins to scar over, and the tissue shrinks.

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