
Scleral Expansion Bands Show Promise in Patients with Open Angle Glaucoma

Scleral expansion bands have been found to reduce intra-ocular pressure (IOP) slightly more than the anti-glaucoma hypotensive drugs that patients were using before the study began, it was reported October 22 at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).

 The study, conducted in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, involved 24 patients, half with open angle glaucoma and half with ocular hypertension, who had four bands inserted into each eye. The subjects all had been using conventional anti-glaucoma medications, and medicated IOP while they took this medication was measured at this time.

 The patients then went through a three-week washout, at which time IOP was measured again. This latest IOP reading was the baseline. IOP readings were then done 6 and 12 months after the procedure, and compared with both the “medicated” reading and the baseline or non-medicated reading.

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