
New Concerns About Modern Smallpox Vaccination

David Danar, MD Oct. 17, 2002 (San Diego) —

Although the practice of medicine has come a long way since the smallpox vaccine was given routinely in the U.S., new and troubling concerns have arisen regarding who should receive the smallpox vaccine and what recipients should do to minimize complications, a bioterrorism expert at the Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Family Physicians in San Diego, California, said Wednesday.

Because the smallpox vaccine uses a live virus, it may disseminate from the vaccination site in a number of ways. Some of these represent new practices since the earlier times of smallpox vaccination in the U.S. and need special consideration, according to. Jonathan L. Temte, MD, associate professor of family medicine, University of Wisconsin at Madison. “My concern is what happens to kids in day care,” he told the packed audience at the assembly.

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