
Most Healthcare Organizations to Seek HIPAA Compliance Extension

A new survey has found that most healthcare organizations (84%) say they have applied or will apply for a one-year extension to comply with the upcoming October 2002 deadline for a key provision of the Health Insurance Portability and Affordability Act (HIPAA).

 The original Oct. 16, 2002, deadline was the target date set under the law’s administrative simplification rule, which requires healthcare payers, vendors, and data clearinghouses to transmit health information electronically. Only 7% of the 687 respondents surveyed in July 2002 by Phoenix Health Systems and the Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) said they would meet the original compliance date.

For the first time since the two groups began the quarterly surveys in 2000, potential changes in the law’s regulations and deadlines and questions about their interpretation were ranked as the biggest roadblock to compliance. “HIPAA planning has been chasing a moving target,” complained one health provider. “It is difficult to write policies and train staff when the regs and dates may or may not change.”


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