
LASIK Safe, Effective in Patients With Dry Eyes

Because many patients with dry eyes are unable to tolerate contact lenses, they may desire corrective surgery such as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).

 A prospective study described in the August issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology showed that although LASIK was safe and as effective in patients with dry eyes as in those without, preoperative dry eye increased the risk of severe postoperative dry eye that could last more than one year.

 “The efficacy and safety of LASIK were not affected by preexisting dry eye,” write Ikuko Toda, MD, from the Minamiaoyama Eye Clinic in Tokyo, Japan, and colleagues. “However, preexisting dry eye is a risk factor for severe postoperative dry eye with lower tear function, more vital staining of the ocular surface, and more severe symptoms.”

Among 543 eyes in 290 patients treated with LASIK, 111 patients and 168 eyes had definite dry eye, 153 patients and 300 eyes had probable dry eye, and 49 patients and 75 eyes did not have dry eye preoperatively.

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