
Risk Factors For Accomodative Esotropia After Surgery for Infantile Esotropia

Accommodative esotropia following surgical alignment in infantile esotropia does not appear in most cases to be an unmasked pre-existing condition, but one that occurs as sequela to the original infantile esotropia.

Risk factors for development of accommodative esotropia following infantile esotropia include increasing hypermetropia, delay in alignment and poor stenosis, say researchers at the Retina Foundation of the Southwest and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States.

They found that of 80 children with infantile esotropia who had achieved orthoposition, 48 developed accommodative esotropia at an average age of 33 months. The researchers then analyzed 12 possible risk factors for the condition: age at onset, initial esodeviation, initial refractive error, age at alignment, delay in alignment, presurgical glasses, amblyopia, additional surgical procedures, unstable alignment, increase in hypermetropia, peripheral fusion, and stereopsis.

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