
Sumatriptan Effective For Intractable Eye Pain

Sumatriptan may help relieve ocular pain resulting from nociceptor activation in the first trigeminal division, according to a report in the current issue of Cephalalgia. Dr. A. May and colleagues from the University of Regensburg in Germany examined the efficacy of triptans for the treatment of intractable eye pain.

They prospectively reviewed the cases of 13 patients who received sumatriptan, a highly selective 5-hydroxytryptamine-1 agonist, after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy. Two of the patients had surgery on both eyes, resulting in a total of 15 operations. “In 13 out of 15 operations (87%) the patients reported excellent and rapid relief of pain following the application of 100 mg sumatriptan,” the investigators report.

 Two of the patients experienced no response. These patients were subsequently treated with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, which were also ineffective. Nine patients required a second dose of sumatriptan because pain recurred approximately 5 hours after the first dose. A 100-mg preventative dose was given to four patients 4 hours after the first dose. These patients all remained free of pain for at least an additional 20 hours.

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