Long-Term Survival Results Favor Chemotherapy Before Surgery For Locally Advanced Breast Cancer

CHAPEL HILL, NC — April 26, 2002 — Long-term survival results from a breast cancer treatment study begun in 1992 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center strongly favor chemotherapy followed by surgery for women with large, locally advanced tumors.

Traditionally, women with breast cancer receive surgery followed by chemotherapy. However, the new findings also show that chemotherapy followed by surgery – neoadjuvant therapy – often allows less drastic and breast-sparing surgery, lumpectomy versus mastectomy.

Despite efforts at early detection, locally advanced breast cancer remains prevalent and is a challenge to control. In the past, many of these patients were considered inoperable because of the sheer volume of their tumors and the belief that they would soon die from spread of the disease well beyond the breast, or distant metastatic disease.

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