Transcervical Biopsy May Prevent Unneeded Hysterectomy

NEW YORK (MedscapeWire) Apr 05 — Transcervical biopsy has a 100% negative predictive value in ruling out uterine sarcoma, based on a study in the March 15 issue of Cancer.
"The clinical differential diagnosis between uterine sarcoma and benign leiomyoma is difficult even with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)," write Naoki Kawamura, MD, and colleagues from Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan. "A considerable number of patients have undergone hysterectomies due to an indication of 'suspected malignancy' based on tumor size alone."

Leiomyomas occur in 20% to 25% of women younger than 30 years and account for 30% of hysterectomies, of which 80% turn out on retrospective review to have been recommended inappropriately.

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