
New Noninvasive Devices Assist Glucose Monitoring

Two studies published in the December issue of Diabetes Care offer new hope of noninvasive glucose monitoring. The first independent study of a monitor based on tissue infrared emission spectra showed that the handheld device accurately measured glucose in diabetics without needing daily calibration. A second monitor using optical coherence tomography was also successful in a pilot study of healthy subjects.

“In our tests, this truly noninvasive prototype estimated blood glucose levels with clinically acceptable accuracy,” lead author of the first study, Carl D. Malchoff, MD, PhD, from the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, says in a news release. “When fully developed, this device would be more convenient, faster, safer and certainly less painful. It will also help diabetes patients comply with the recommended blood sugar testing and not be burdened with painful finger sticks.”

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