Haemofiltration Better Than Peritoneal Dialysis In Infection-Related Renal Failure

Haemofiltration is superior to peritoneal dialysis for treatment of infection-associated acute renal failure in terms of both clinical outcome and cost.

 This is the conclusion of an international randomised trial comparing acute peritoneal dialysis with haemofiltration in patients with severe acute renal failure related to infection. Until now, the relative efficacy of the two procedures has been unknown.

Acute renal failure is a major contributor to the morbidity and mortality linked with severe infection. In resource-rich countries, peritoneal dialysis for renal replacement in these patients has been supplanted by haemodialysis and, more recently, haemofiltration.

 In other parts of the world, however, the procedure, which is relatively simple to do and inexpensive, is still widely used. The objective of these researchers from the Cho Quan Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and Radcliffe Hospital and Churchill Hospital, Oxford, England, was to compare acute peritoneal dialysis with haemofiltration.

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