המעבדה הרפואית

הכנס הבינ”ל ה-7 לטיפול נמרץ לב : 30/10-1/11 , תל אביב

בקישור שלהלן ניתן להכנס לאתר הכנס ולעיין בתכנית המעודכנת, פרטי הרשמה ועוד.

לפניכם דברי ההזמנה של הועדה המארגנת:

Dear friends and colleagues,

The 7th International Meeting on Intensive Cardiac Care will be held in Tel Aviv on October 30-November 1, 2011. The Meeting will feature three parallel medical streams, with over 100 presentations, including: satellite symposia, keynote and plenary lectures, debates, clinical interactive case presentations and poster presentations over two days. In addition to the medical streams, there will be a parallel nursing stream. The program is diverse and includes content that will satisfy all participants interested in acute cardiac care.

The Meeting will be held under the auspices of the Israel Heart Society, the Israel Working Group on Acute Cardiac Care of the IHS, the European Resuscitation Council and the Society for the Advancement of Cardiac Nursing in Israel.

We look forward to your attending this 7th International Meeting with state of the art scientific sessions and entertaining social and cultural events. A full array of pre- and post-conference tours is offered, including: Jerusalem and its holy places; United Nation Heritage sites such as Masada, the Dead Sea, Ceasaria and Acco; as well as many other historical, religious and archeological sites.

We hope you will join us.

Joseph S. Alpert
Alexander Battler
Yonathan Hasin

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