Incidence Explored Of Late Malapposition After Bare-Metal Stent Implants

Late stent malapposition occurs in between 4 and 5 percent of slotted-tube bare-metal stents, largely because of positive remodeling out of proportion to the increase in peri-stent intimal hyperplasia.

These are among findings of a United States study of background incidence of this problem after bare-metal stent implantation. Late stent malapposition has been reported to be an abnormal finding after vascular brachytherapy and, possibly, after implantation of drug-eluting stents.

However, only intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) at follow-up can detect the problem and, until now, the “background” frequency of late stent malapposition after bare-metal stent implantation has been unknown. Dr V M Shah and colleagues from the Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, District of Columbia, investigated 206 patients with native artery lesions. All patients had tubular-slotted bare-metal stent implantation and IVUS at both index and after three to nine months of follow-up.

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