Bacterial Vaginosis May Predict Miscarriage After 13 Weeks’ Gestation

Bacterial vaginosis is not linked to early miscarriage but may be associated with miscarriage after 13 weeks’ gestation, according to the results of a prospective cohort study reported in the Dec. 7 issue of the British Medical Journal.

 Although it remains to be determined if treatment would be beneficial, the study showed that self-assessment was feasible. “Bacterial vaginosis is not a strong predictor of early miscarriage but may be a predictor after 13 weeks’ gestation,” write Pippa Oakeshott and colleagues from St. George’s Hospital Medical School in London, U.K.

 “The prevalence of Chlamydia was too low to assess the risk, but it is unlikely to be a major risk factor in pregnant women.” The investigators enrolled 1,216 pregnant women at less than 10 weeks’ gestation who were attending 32 general practices and five family planning clinics in London. Subjects provided a self-administered vaginal swab and completed a questionnaire at 16 weeks.

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