Prophylactic Dextran 70 Counteracts Thromboembolism In Reduction Mammaplasty

The high risk of a thromboembolism that may occur in reduction mammaplasty may safely be counteracted with prophylactic Dextran70.

 Patients who undergo this procedure and are given Dextran 70 have an acceptable blood loss and drainage, according to surgeons at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. In order to determine the effect of Dextran 70 on operative blood loss and postoperative complications, the researchers retrospectively studied 98 consecutive patients admitted for reduction mammaplasty using different techniques during 1995.

 Reduction using a laterally based flap used on 67 patients was the most common procedure. This was followed by a Lejour vertical mammaplasty in 15 patients and medially based flap in 12. Other surgical interventions were performed on four patients.

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