Study Results Give Hope to Women Who Suffer Migraine Headache During Their Periods

Women who suffer from migraine headache associated with menstruation may find relief with Imitrex® Tablets, according to the combined results of two studies presented today at the 14th Migraine Trust International Symposium in London.

More than half of the women treated with Imitrex experienced complete relief of their migraine pain two hours after treatment (59% and 51% at 100 mg and 50 mg, respectively, versus 25% for placebo), treating when pain was mild. In addition, at two hours 48% and 43% of patients, at 100 mg and 50 mg (versus 20% for placebo) were free of migraine pain and associated symptoms (nausea, sensitivity to light and sound).

 Individual results may vary. “These data offer hope to the large portion of women who experience migraines during menstruation,” said study investigator Robert Nett, M.D., medical director at Texas Headache Associates, San Antonio, Texas. “Our research shows Imitrex, taken when migraine pain is mild, is effective in providing relief of pain and the associated symptoms of menstrually associated migraine.” The American Council for Headache Education estimates about 60% of women with migraine note an increased number of headaches in association with their menstrual period, also known as menstrually associated migraine (MAM). In 10%-14% of these women, the migraine occurs around the time of the period and at no other time.

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