USPSTF Revises Recommendations For Osteoporosis Screening

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has revised its recommendations for screening for osteoporosis, as reported in the Sept. 17 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The new recommendations include a grade B recommendation for screening with a bone density test at age 65 or at age 60 for women at higher than average risk for osteoporotic fractures. Once the diagnosis is made, there is no need to screen further. Bone densities should be obtained no more frequently than every two years. Bone densitometry, also known as dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), is currently an accepted and widely available method for measuring bone density, but the Task Force did not recommend any specific screening test.

“Because of limitations in the precision of testing, a minimum of two years may be needed to reliably measure a change in bone mineral density; however, longer intervals may be adequate for repeated screening to identify new cases of osteoporosis,” write Alfred O. Berg, MD, MPH, and colleagues from the USPSTF.

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