ERS: Third Trimester Exposure to Pollen Puts Infants at Risk of Asthma

A child’s risk of developing asthma may be determined before the child is born, and could depend on the mother’s exposure to indoor allergens or other environmental triggers while pregnant, a study presented here at the 12th Annual Meeting of the European Respiratory Society suggests.

According to Dr. Bertil Forsberg of the University of Umeå (Sweden), the mother’s exposure to pollens during the third trimester can lead to asthma in the newborn infants.

Out of a population of more than 112,000 births in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, between 1988-95, 923 were hospitalized for asthma during their first year of life. Following the group out to two years, Dr. Forsberg reported that 1629 children have now been hospitalized for at least one asthma attack.

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