Open Burch Urethropexy Results in Minimal Rate of Complications

Open Burch urethropexy has a low rate of perioperative complications and is the preferred teaching technique for this procedure, researchers report.
 Dr. Kimberly Kenton and colleagues from Loyola University Medical Center and Rush Medical College reviewed and analysed the cases of 151 women women who underwent open Burch urethropexy in a tertiary care teaching centre in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
All of the women had urodynamically proved genuine stress incontinence, and 34 percent had detrusor instability. Most of them (81 percent) had concomitant surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. Overall, 63 percent had prior pelvic surgery, 32 percent of them an urethropexy, needle suspension or anterior colporrhaphy.
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