דעה קצת אחרת: מתוך medscape , טיפול HRT חייב להיות אינדבדואלי

 סקירה מעניינת שמצאנו, פרי עטו של ד”ר מוריס מוטלוביץ המתמחה בטיפול בנשים מבוגרות, אשר מתייחס ומסיק מסקנות מהמחקר המפורסם אשר הופסק כתוצאה מסיכון מוגבר שנמצא בקרב קבוצת הטיפול שקיבלה HRT .

The first thing is to put the whole issue into perspective. The term hormone replacement therapy is a misnomer.

 Menopausal women are hormone deficient but not hormone depleted. How much endogenous estradiol an individual menopausal woman produces will determine whether or not she needs hormonal therapy for quality-of-life purposes.

 Her risk factors for osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive dysfunction will determine whether she will need additional therapy (and possibly hormone therapy) for those indications.

 It is most important that physicians distinguish between the symptomatic and the asymptomatic menopausal woman. It is also important to appreciate that there is a sound biological rationale for the use of estrogens and androgens for treatment of the menopausal woman.

 In every single tissue in the body there are estrogen and androgen receptors that respond to estrogen and androgen to protect against conditions and diseases associated with hormone deficiency.

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