Increased Risks Lead To Halt In Large US Estrogen/Progestin Trial

Researchers with the Women’s Health Initiative trial have halted the estrogen plus progestin portion of the study because of apparent increases in risks for invasive breast cancer, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and pulmonary embolisms among participants.

They list the absolute excess risks attributable to estrogen plus progestin per 10,000 person-years as: eight more invasive breast cancers, seven more CHD events, eight more strokes and eight more pulmonary embolisms.

 They also found absolute risk reductions per 10,000 person-years of six fewer colorectal cancers and five fewer hip fractures.

“The risk-benefit profile found in this trial is not consistent with the requirements for a viable intervention for primary prevention of chronic diseases, and the results indicate that this regimen should not be initiated or continued for primary prevention of CHD,” the researchers comment. Investigators tabulated the absolute excess risk of events included in their global index as 19 per 10,000 person years.

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