Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Safe With Other Pelvic Floor Surgery

Tension-free vaginal tape, when combined with other pelvic floor reconstructive surgery, is safe and efficacious for treating stress urinary incontinence. The most common complication is postoperative urinary retention.

This is the finding of an examination of this procedure by Linda M Partoll, MD. from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington, Spokane, Washington, United States. Although several earlier studies have shown the vaginal tape treatment is safe and effective, its efficacy in conjunction with other pelvic floor surgery had not been examined.

 Participants were 37 women with stress or mixed urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor defects. All underwent the tape procedure together with other pelvic floor reconstruction. Patient pre- and postoperative voiding diaries, standing stress test results and satisfaction with the treatment were then evaluated.

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