Girls Born Underweight May have Fertility Problems Later in Life

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — June 21, 2002 —

 A team of European researchers have discovered that adolescent girls who were born small for gestational age tend to have fertility problems as adults. The findings were presented here this week at the 84th Annual Endocrinology Society Meeting (ENDO).

The researchers studied 49 healthy, non-obese girls between the ages of 13 and 18 who had been menstruating for at least three years. About half (25) were born small for gestational age while the remaining 24 girls were born at normal weight.

 The team collected blood samples from the patients every week for three months and tested each for progesterone concentration. If the samples indicated a progesterone concentration of at least 1.0ng/mL within five to eight days of the subjects’ menstrual cycle, ovulation was considered to have occurred.

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