Phytoestrogens Show Weak Activity

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jun 17 –

 Phytoestrogens are for the most part “rather weak” as active estrogens, researchers reported in Berlin on Friday at the 10th World Congress on Menopause.

 Dr. Peter V. N. Bodine of Wyeth’s Women’s Health Research Institute in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, presented the results of a study of chemical components of 14 phytoestrogens. Dr. Bodine’s group examined the ability of these components to bind to estrogen receptor-alpha and estrogen receptor-beta in breast and bone cells.

Nine of the phytoestrogens bound to both estrogen receptors and showed a “modest preference” for ER-beta over ER-alpha, Dr. Bodine told Reuters Health. Phytoestrogens activated receptors in breast cancer cells to a “modest” extent, but had very little effect in bone cells.

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