Teenage Girls Prefer Urine Sampling Tests For Sexually Transmitted Disease

By Elda Hauschildt

 Most teen-age girls who are being screened for sexually transmitted diseases prefer that doctors use first-void urine testing (FVU). Self-collected vaginal swab tests and pelvic examinations rank as second and third preferences.

California researchers report: “This preference was upheld in analyse of subgroups with more reproductive experiences, for example, tampon use and prior pelvic examination.” Investigators from Children’s Hospital in Oakland, the University of California at San Francisco and Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco say that their study illustrates the importance of including the young consumer’s preferences and attitudes in developing new STD screening techniques.

“With urine and vaginal sampling possible for STD screening, the invasive, costly, time-consuming and often uncomfortable pelvic examination can now be reserved to obtain a Papanicolaou smear as needed and to assess pregnancy and gynaecological pathology as warranted.” Pelvic examination is the current standard for STD screening but the researchers note that it not only was ranked last by the 155 ethnically diverse girls participating in a convenience sample, but also it was consistently evaluated highest for negative attributes and lowest for positive attributes.

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