Excess Pregnancy Complication Rates Seen Among Adolescents

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) –

 Researchers based at Emory University in Atlanta report that pregnant adolescents are more likely than women at least 20 years old to have a preterm delivery and more than twice as likely to develop eclampsia as older women.

 On the other hand, Dr. Chineta R. Eure and colleagues found that younger women were less likely than older women to require a Cesarean section or an operative vaginal delivery.

The researchers base their findings on a review of deliveries among 14,718 adolescents and 11,830 older women over a 15-year period.

Reporting in the May issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Eure’s team notes that the risks of complications changed according to the age of the young mother.

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