Vitamin C Deficiency May Contribute to Preeclampsia

By Martha Kerr

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jun 11 –

The results of an animal study suggest that low levels of vitamin C adversely affect vascular function during pregnancy. Therefore, vitamin C deficiency may contribute to the development of preeclampsia, the researchers propose.

Dr. Carl A. Hubel of the University of Pittsburgh presented his group’s study results last week during the 13th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy that was held this year in Toronto.

Ascorbic acid levels are known to be associated with preeclampsia. On the basis of this, Dr. Hubel and colleagues studied both pregnant and nonpregnant rats with a metabolic deficiency making them unable to synthesize ascorbic acid. They then measured mesenteric artery reactivity to pressure in the animals during various levels of ascorbic acid supplementation, from none to 1 mg/mL (fully supplemented).

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