Novogyne’s CombiPatch HRT May Improve Libido in Postmenopausal Women

Novogyne Pharmaceuticals’ CombiPatch (estrogen/progestin) transdermal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may improve libido in older women who experience a lack of sex drive because of declining hormone levels, according to a preliminary study presented Tuesday.

CombiPatch, the only FDA-approved combination estrogen/progestin HRT patch to treat symptoms of menopause, is marketed in the US by Novogyne, a joint venture between Noven and Novartis. Dr. Subir Roy of the University of Southern California presented the study results at the 10th World Congress on Menopause in Berlin, according to a Tuesday statement issued by Noven.

Noven spokesman Joe Jones told Reuters Health that Dr. Roy’s study was partly funded by Rhone-Poulenc Rorer (now Aventis), the prior licensee of CombiPatch. Novogyne acquired the rights to CombiPatch in March 2001.

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