Triple Combination Incorporating Hormone Replacement May Protect Against Osteoporotic Fractures


By David Loshak

 Monofluorophosphate and calcium supplement combined with hormone replacement therapy could be more effective than either agent alone in protecting patients with postmenopausal established osteoporosis against both new vertebral fractures and non-vertebral fractures.

 Researchers in Leverkusen, Germany and Monza, Italy, conducted a three-year, open-label, pilot efficacy and safety study at a single centre of 60 patients who had postmenopausal osteoporosis and were treated with the triple combination.

Bone mineral density after three years increased by 15.5 percent in the lumbar spine and by 2.3 percent in the femur neck. During the three years, six new vertebral fractures occurred in five patients, an incidence of 8.3 percent.

There were also six non-vertebral fractures in six patients, an incidence of 10 percent. Back pain score fell significantly after only six months of treatment.

By the end of the third treatment year, the pain score had fallen by 84 percent. The treatment was well tolerated, with only few mild or moderate adverse events, the researchers reported.

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