Adding Paclitaxel Could Further Reduce Some Breast Cancer Recurrence

06/05/2002 By Elda Hauschildt

 Adding paclitaxel (Pac) to an adjuvant or neo-adjuvant regimen may further reduce the risk of disease recurrence in women with metastatic breast cancer who were previously treated with anthracycline-containing chemotherapy.

 Researchers from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston, United States, say the differences they found were not statistically significant, however.

Five hundred and twenty four patients were randomized to either four cycles of Pac followed by four cycles of combination therapy with 5-fluorouracil, adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (Pac/FAC) or eight cycles of FAC alone.

Estimated disease-free survival at 48 months was 0.83 for patients receiving FAC and 0.86 for those on Pac/FAC. Overall estimated hazard ratio for Pac/FAC compared with FAC was 0.66. Investigators derived this ratio through fitting the Cox regression model and

incorporating terms for prognostic factors.

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