New Approaches to Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

June 3, 2002 —

Topical alprostadil and a clitoral vacuum pump, two new treatments for female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD) presented on May 25 at the American Urological Association annual meeting, improved sexual response by increasing genital blood flow.

 “Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is very common, occurring in 20-50% of the general population, while one survey indicates that 20% of adult women have FSAD,” lead author Marc Gittelman, MD, from Uro-medix in Miami, Florida, says in a news release.

“To date, there are no FDA-approved pharmacological treatments for this disorder, but topical alprostadil may be an appropriate on-demand treatment for women suffering from FSAD.”

In this study, 78 women with FSAD were randomized to receive either topical alprostadil solution, 100 µg or 400 µg, or placebo solution, applied to the clitoris and allowed to spread to the surrounding tissues.

 All women were either postmenopausal or had received a hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy, and all patients had stable hormonal replacement. Treatment was well tolerated with no reports of any significant systemic adverse effects.

Compared with placebo, both doses of alprostadil increased vulvar erythema and edema, suggesting increased localized blood flow. Subjective sexual responses were not dose


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