HRT May Normalize Blood Pressure Reactivity in Postmenopausal Women

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) May 22 – The exaggerated blood pressure response to stress often seen in postmenopausal women at increased risk for heart disease appears to be normalized with hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Dr. James A. McCubbin and colleagues, from Clemson University in South Carolina, note that while estrogen deprivation has been strongly linked to coronary heart disease (CHD) in women, the role of HRT in preventing CHD is unresolved. Furthermore, possible mechanisms by which estrogen therapy may decrease the risk of CHD are unclear.

To investigate further, the researchers evaluated blood pressure reactivity to a mental stress task in 79 postmenopausal women. As reported in the April issue of the American Heart Journal, the group included 39 women who had been on HRT for at least 3 months before

enrollment and 40 who had not been on HRT for at least 6 months.

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