Gamete Age Not Linked to Down Syndrome, Birth Defects

NEW YORK (MedscapeWire) May 17 —

 Contrary to popular belief, sexual intercourse too soon before or too long after ovulation is not associated with an increased risk of birth defects and Down syndrome, according to a research letter in the May 11 issue of The Lancet.

 “For many years, the aging of gametes as a result of prolonged retention in the female reproductive tract before fertilization has been circumstantially associated with major birth defects,” write Joe Leigh Simpson, MD, and colleagues from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Simpson’s group studied more than 1000 pregnant women from Chile, Colombia, Italy, and the United States who had recorded the timing of sexual intercourse leading to conception.

 Major birth defects occurred in 2.7% of 400 infants born to mothers who reported optimally timed conceptions on the day of or 1 day before ovulation, and in 2.5% of 538 infants born to mothers who reported conception at longer intervals from presumed ovulation.

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