ASCO Recommends Maintaining Tamoxifen as Treatment Choice to Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence

ORLANDO, FL — May 20, 2002 —

A panel of doctors reported to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) here yesterday that tamoxifen should continue to be the treatment of choice for preventing recurrence of breast cancer.

 The technology assessment panel released its report, which considered — and rejected — naming aromatase inhibitors as adjuvant treatment for women with hormone receptor positive breast cancer, during the 38th annual meeting of ASCO.

 “While recent findings on the use of aromatase inhibitors for the prevention of breast cancer recurrence are encouraging, data on long-term use of the drugs are needed before a change in standard of care is justified.” said Eric Winer, MD, director of the Breast Oncology Center at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. “Patients and physicians can rest assured that tamoxifen remains the best option for use outside of clinical trials, and that it reduces the risk of recurrence and improves overall survival with manageable side effects for most women,” he stated.

 However, Dr. Winer said that as the ongoing trials with anastrozole, letrozole and the aromatase inactivator, exemestane, mature, the panel will meet to consider revisions. He said it should not take very long before a definitive finding on the aromatase inhibitors are validated.

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