Surgical Removal Still Necessary To Evaluate Endometrial Polyps

By Anne MacLennan

Objective assessment of blood flow impedance in endometrial polyps and the size of the polyps cannot replace surgical removal and pathologic evaluation to predict histologic type.

This is the finding of a study prompted by the potential benefit of a noninvasive technique to distinguish benign from malignant polyps undertaken by Steven R. Goldstein and colleagues New York University School of Medicine, New York, United States.

Although the reported incidence of malignancy in endometrial polyps is low, they are common in all groups of women, and more and more are being diagnosed with the widespread use of transvaginal ultrasound scanning and sonohysterography.

This observational study of 61 patients evaluated endometrial polyp by colour flow Doppler ultrasound scanning and histopathologic examination. The women also underwent ultrasound scanning and, subsequently, polypectomy.

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