AAAAI: Asthmatic Women Who Smoke Have High Rate of Abnormal Births

NEW YORK, NY — March 3, 2002 — Asthmatic women who smoked cigarettes during pregnancy appear to have double the incidence of abnormal births than do their non-smokers counterparts.

Mayo Clinic investigators, who conducted the study, recommended that women with asthma who plan to become pregnant should be counseled aggressively to discontinue tobacco and should be monitored closely.

They made their recommendation here yesterday at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI).

Dr. Kristin Elizabeth Kloos and associates reviewed the charts of 1,057 gravidas who gave birth at their institution during a recent three-year period. In the study, the diagnosis of asthma was based on information from assessment forms completed by the patients at the time of their obstetrical visits and delivery. The cohort of asthmatic gravidas was divided into three groups: active asthma requiring therapy; resolved asthma not requiring therapy; and suspected asthma. A control group consisted of healthy, non-asthmatic gravidas…

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