Induced abortion increases preterm delivery risk

LONDON (Reuters Health) – Women who have had one or more induced abortions are at significantly increased risk of preterm delivery in subsequent pregnancies, French researchers report.

Using data from the French National Perinatal Survey for a 1-week period, Drs. Laurence Henriet and Monique Kaminski from INSERM, Paris, evaluated the records of 12,432 women who had a singleton delivery.

Among these women 12% had a history of one induced abortion and 3% had had two or more induced abortions, according to the report in the October issue of the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Women with a previous induced abortion had a higher rate of preterm delivery (6.1%) compared with women without an induced abortion (4.2%), the researchers found.

The increased risk of preterm delivery was associated with the number of previous induced abortions (adjusted odds ratio 1.3 for one abortion and 1.9 for two or more abortions), Drs. Henriet and Kaminski report.

This association was the same for very preterm, moderately preterm, as well as spontaneous or induced deliveries. There was no significant link between previous induced abortion and small for gestational age or low birthweight infants, the French team notes.

Drs. Henriet and Kaminski point out that the reasons for the association between abortion and preterm delivery are not clear. "Other studies, taking into account the techniques used to induce abortion and gestational age at intervention, are necessary in order to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms brought into play and to anticipate them better," they conclude.

Br J Obstet Gynecol 2001;108:1036-1042.

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