
Colon Cancer Subset: 5-FU Combo Better With Leucovorin Than Levamisole

Leucovorin plus 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) adjuvant chemotherapy has proven significantly more effective than levamisole plus 5-FU in reducing tumour relapse and improving survival among curatively resected stage III colon cancer patients. This finding is demonstrated in assessing long-term follow-up results of a prospective multi-centre trial, carried out by clinicians at the Clinic of Internal Medicine, Central Hospital Bremen East, Bremen, Germany. The final trial study cohort consisted of 680 patients.

The clinicians note that the postoperative treatment combination of 5-FU and leucovorin in curatively resected stage III colon cancer patients can significantly reduce the risk of recurrences, as well as improving survival. The impact of 5-FU plus leucovorin on survival and tumour recurrence was compared with the effects of 5-FU plus levamisole in the prospective multi-centre trial adjCCA-01.

doc’s guide לכתבה המלאה באתר

Ann Oncol 2003 Mar;14:3:395-9

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