
Surgery Best for Oesophageal High-Grade Dysplasia

Researchers report that patients who are diagnosed with oesophageal high-grade dysplasia should undergo surgery to cure the condition and prevent development of cancer and recurrence.

“Surgical resection of oesophageal high grade dysplasia can be performed with low mortality and allows long-term survival,” said Michael Reed, MD, a thoracic surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston. Doctors who examined the excised oesophageal tissue that was suspected of being high-grade dysplasia also found early malignancies, Dr. Reed said here February 1st at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons.

 His research team retrospectively reviewed the 22-year record of treatment of 869 patients with oesophageal cancer and 1,609 with Barrett’s oesophagus. Among these were 115 patients with high-grade dysplasia without pre-treatment evidence of invasion. Forty-nine patients, with a mean age of 59 years, underwent resection as initial treatment. One patient died during the procedure, 3 later cancers were found. Five-year survival for the group was 83%.

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